Capsules depicts the extreme economic realities that coexist in society today: wealthy lifestyles afforded through illicit activities and the plight of the poor who are inmersed in a world of violence void of opportunities. The convergence between the two is the commercialization of drugs and all of its deadly ramifications. Capsules tells the story of the re encounter between a son and his absent father, which generates intense emotional undercurrents that can only be healed through forgiveness. Set in the context of a violence city, Capsules convinces its audience on the urgency to take a stand against the drug business, and reflect on the implications of our silence on future generations.
PRODUCED BY: Avanai Films
DIRECTED BY: Veronica Riedel
STARRING: Sofía Arévalo, Giacomo Buonafina, Carolina Cuervo, Sebastián Gereda, Marylena Jeréz, Marylena Jeréz, Juan Diego Rodriguez, Jairon Salguero, Atli Schoenbeck.
HD: Yes
YEAR: 2011
GENERE: Drama| Young| Family
PROGRAME TYPE: Feature Film| Movie
-Muestra cinematográfica Casa Colón,
Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, España. 2014
-Festival de Cine Alternativo de la
Embajada de Guatemala en Panamá.2014
-Muestra cinematográfica de la Embajada de Suecia 2013
-Peliculatina Casa América Latina, Bruselas, Bélgica 2013V.
-Mittelamerikanisches Film Festival Wien (Festival de Cine de Viena, Austria). 2012
-Festival Latino de Cine de Rose Marine, Texas. 2012
-Muestra de Cine Iberoamericano de Washington. 2012
-Festival Latino de Cine en Canadá. 2012
-Mes de la Muestra de Cine de la Cultura
Latinoamericana en Roma, Italia. 2012
-Festival Internacional “Cine de las Américas” (CLAIFF15). 2012
-Festival Ícaro Nicaragua. 2012
-Festival de Cine Latino de Seattle (SLFF). 2012
-Creacine, Muestra de cine Guatemalteco en Barcelona, España. 2012
-Muestra de Cine Latinoamericano de Asunción, Paraguay. 2012
-Festival de Cine Latino de Chicago. 2011
-Festival de Cine Latino Internacional de New York
de HBO (HBO NYILFF). 2011
-Festival Internacional de Cine Latino en Los Angeles (LALIFF). 2011
-Festival de Cine de Santa Fe (SFFF). 2011
-Festival Internacional de Cine de las Bahamas (BIFF). 2011
-XXVI Festival de Cine Latinoamericano de Trieste, Italia. 2011
-Cineseptiembre Mazatlán, México.2011
-IX Festival Internacional de Cine Digital de Chile (DIFF). 2011
-Festival Internacional Femenino de Cine & Arte (WIFF). 2011
-Festival de Cine Latinoamericano de Providence, Rhode Island (PLAFF). 2011
-Festival Internacional de Cine de San Juan y su Competencia Caribeña, Puerto Rico 2011
-Festival de Cine Iberoamericano de Passau, Alemania. 2011
-Festival de Cine Global Dominicano, República Dominicana. 2011
-Festival de Cine de Downtown Boca (DBFF). 2011
-Cine + Más Festival de Cine Latino de San Francisco (Cine+Mas SF). 2011
-Festival de Cine Latinoamericano de Kentucky (“Reel Guatemala”). 2011
Festival Audiovisual de San José, Costa Rica.